Saturday, August 22


so now i have a senior project blog.. nice.. idk how much of a learning experiance it will be, but wtfe?
school has stated. im happy.
i missed it and had a terrible summer.
my classes are:
Algebra 3
English 4
Anatomy & Physiology
Economy .5
AP Government
AP Art
and Senior Project

a lot of classes.. a full schedule BETHANY..
classes outside school start soon, and my job... whenever mrs seay gets around to it -_-
need money NOW.
kinda mad rightnow. i hate it when people underestimate you.
i really do. they should know. i said so, im not bragging or lying. then theyre like, its not so much. well suck it. because it better then u... naptime.

happy news:

1 year anniversary august 29.
SOO excited. its a sunday. we are going to church then out to dinner. i love my david

Queen - I Want to Ride My Bicycle


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