Saturday, February 14

Happy Valentines DAY!


its been an okay day.
i sat home a slept. cleaned my bathroom.
grr.. ok, today SUCKED.
i didnt get to hang out wiht my boyfriend for 3 reasons:
1. my parents are trying to convince me there is no such thing as valentines and i dont have a valentine..
2. he has work
3 hes grounded

so not cool reasons.
my parnets wouldnt even let me go hangout with my best friend and go see friday the 13th with her.. GR!
so i cleaned, and ate the candy i had gotten from the day before. it was ok i guess.
so i was bored as i sat here filling a CD with songs for one of myfriends. its data. 6,000 songs so far.. i think im gonna need another cd, dont you?
i have a large library. over 10,000 tracks. im a music lover.. if u havent noticed by now,. hehe.
its started out he asked for a new CD from a band thts comming through town, becasue he knew i had it, and u cant get it in stores for a week, so i was like, SURE! id love to. so he accidentally gave me a DVD Data disc. woops, i siad it was ok. u couldnt listen to it on ur CD player, but pop it into computer and i can give u way more songs... so he made a list, and i added a couple more artists on. but its the complete discographys of them so. its no wonder its eatin up those MB like a fat man eats candy on valentines. haha. well.. back to my cd making. and i have a lonely boyfrind to TXT spam while he is at work, so i will TTYL yall.

(it was nice to hear from u again cathy!)


Thursday, February 12


i havent posted in so long. it feels like forever.. WELL, a current update is in order i feel.

ok so, Im 17 now. yay. 17 is a big number.. i think. i feel young still though. i can get my licens now iwthout having to take a driving course. i tried 2 times and failed. -_- now the car keeps breaking down so i cant take it anyways.
eventually ill get it so im not worried. and i dont have a car of my own, so what would i drive? hehe. my hair is super short. i had to get the back kinda shaved becuase its so short. but its super duper cute. ^^
my and my boyfriend (david) are 6 months this month. that is a freaking long time in highschool. yeah my parents know. but i dont care anymore. so. ^^
my life is pretty boaring rihgt now. grades are on average about a 90? im making all As anf Bs. mostly Bs though. *sigh*
the AP english test is comming up, but i dont plan on taking it. this comming monday, the 16 is a free day for students, so im gonna hang out wiht my BFF Bethany, and we are gonna chill.
i have a twitter if anyone is interested or has one too. now its naptime. its like what.. 5? and im TIRED. i always take a nap after school now, or i die from tiredness by like 11, before i finish my homework. my friend, maryhobbit, has a blog now. so im happy. i know her in real life. please chekc out her blog if u ahve the time.
