Friday, May 23

Prince Caspian, Popups, Frogmore Stew

Hello all!
today i went to go see Prince Caspian with my family. it was a pretty good movie. but it sucked in some ways. it wasn't completely faithful to the books, a BIG disappointment. Susan kissed Caspian in the end. that SUCKED. big time. but all in all it was better than the last one. the first one was to bright. the second one was more mature, darker, serious. i liked it allot more. so yeah.

i seem to have a a problem with popups. on my blog. i don't get it. does anyone have any ideas as to what may be causing them? maybe something i have in it? i can't hand;e popups now. they recently put a bad virus on my computer. some spy wear. which makes me paranoid. litterally.
to think someone is watching my every move, my every type. who i talk to, what i look at.
so, i am just wondering if anyone else is seeing them on my blog, and has any idea what is causing them.

Frogmore Stew

tomorrow we are going to have some friends over, and make frogmore stew. yumyum. is anyone doesn't know what frogmore stew is, well its giant mixture of lots of stuff. in stew form. u cook it all together, then take it out and eat it. there is kielbasa, corn, shrimp, potatoes, allot of stuff.
i hate shrimp, so i am not sure i want too have any. i few years ago my dad made some for a camping trip, (my dad is a really good cook) i loved it. i liked shrimp then. then i got the flu after having shrimp last year, and now i get queasy every time i see any. it doesn't help that my dad and mom love it, and insist i know how to make it. *YUCK* so maybe ill just have corn. since my 'encourageable' family tells me all the time about how the poor animals are saying 'don't eat me'. i decided that i enjoy being a vegetarian.

HOUSE! getting interesting. i am catching slowly up to TV time. i am on the beginning of season 4.

i am watching guardian angels right now. all about this girl who see's dead ppl. sounds fictional, but apparently it is real. haha. i love house. but its changed so much since season one.

anyway. love to all! thanks for all comments and stuff. ^^ yes Andy is a silly little boy. but 'ilh'.

2 comment(s):

I am also catching up on House, I am now half way through season 4 and its gotten better :) The stew sounds yummy! Prince Caspian was good in my head, but I never read that book...I should get going on that.

By Blogger Miranda, at May 23, 2008 at 8:49 PM  

Yes, House is a pretty awesome show- one of my faves as well!

By Blogger Sarah, at May 25, 2008 at 8:54 PM  

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