Jobs Are Hard..
you can spend your whole life searching, and never can spend your whole life trying, and never succeed.
you can spend your whole life dreaming, and never have.
you can spend your life wishing, and never achieve your goals,
its hard to believe sometimes, that some people have it worse than you. help them out.
its hard to believe sometimes that some people actually do love you, and just want the best for you. love them anyway.
its hard to believe that some things just dont come out the way you planned. keep trying.
Tomorrow is another day.
well, inspirational poem. just thought it up. if i could sell poems, or thoughts, i could be Rich. i am realizing how much of the world centers around money. the all mighty dollar. *sigh*
i have now applied at over 30 stores for jobs. 60% of which don't higher 16yr olds. the rest wernt hiring. the un-employment rate has gone up drastically this year. but i dont think its because of illegal immigrants. or maybe it is. i dont want to think about it.
but i know its now 5.9% or something. idk.
here are some places i have applied..
pets mart
dunkin doughtnuts
hobby lobby
panera bread
coldstone creamery
brustes ice cream
food lion
office depot
pizza hut
a car wash place..
Dairy queen
home depot
The Clock restaurant
and a birthing center.
you can count.. and thats not even all of them! sheesh. SOMEONE has to be hiring. sorry i whine so much. things just really suck right now. oh well. got to go to bed soon. gotta get up at 6am. i hate having to drive 2 hours for church at 8am. -_- see u all later..
6 comment(s):
wow, birthing center sounds interesting... hopefully you will find a job, thats a lot to apply so hopefully one pops up for you :)
Miranda, at
May 17, 2008 at 11:33 PM
Nice poem...
Roshini Thyagaraj, at
May 18, 2008 at 1:39 AM
thanks girls. =D
Emily Dorchak, at
May 18, 2008 at 1:36 PM
Yikes! I know what you mean about trying to find a job though, it's near impossible here. I live in a small college town, so there are more people than jobs in most cases. I went to the work center (a place that helps people find jobs) recently, and they told me to apply at Walmart. Well.. Walmart isn't hiring! So I was kind of bummed, but I might have found a job at a bakery! I think I'd like that a lot more than walmart :-)
Good luck with your hunt! A birthing center would be so awesome. I watched one of my friends give birth once and it was the most amazing three days and two nights of absolutely no sleep of my life!
kirsten marie, at
May 20, 2008 at 11:19 PM
haha. our wallmart wont hier 16year olds. thye dont need help anyways. blaH!
Emily Dorchak, at
May 20, 2008 at 11:55 PM
Great work.
Anonymous, at
November 11, 2008 at 2:22 AM
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