Friday, May 9

ITs HERE! What's Wiw-wit? Im Ready to DYE!


the best graphic disigner bye far i have seen ever!
she is the sweetest too! she gave it to me for free!
=3 i just wanna hug her all day! ist it the bomb diggity!!
yayness! i adore it! ^.^

Whats Wiw-Wit? (lol)

wondering what wiwwit is? its What Im wearing today. lol.
i cant help but share my rad styles with the world! lol.
sometimes a bit dark, and always CRAZY! but what can i say. . its fashion!
this is what i look good in. and its a trend. lol. im lurving every minute of it.
listening to Racing Kites - This Love

Im Ready to DYE! (my hair duuuhhh)

due to a total mood swing problem, i have decied i look horrible!
(u know how it goes, u look in the mirror one moody day, and go, 'OH GOD! is that MEE?', so u decide to change ur style totaly.. and u do.)

it started wiht a haircut. which i wanted for a long time.. and i thought it woudl stop there..
but no, i still look hidious, so, im dying my hair DARK brown, or almost black.. i got soem makeup, and am experimenting wiht soem new styles. im buying soem new jeans, sine call mine have holes in them (ACK!) my mom asked me, well i thought ripped jeans were in fashion> isnt that why u trashed u last pair of jeans? i said, NOT! the was LAASSSSSYYY year! lol, now its skinnies jeans. thase are cute. but, i must admit, not the BEST for my body shape. which is why im also dieting. big time. lol.

i think i have a weightloss problem, since i hover around a steady 160 no matter what i do.
evan starvation doesnt work! uhhh. i about to sneak out and buy diet pills.
anyhow. enough whining!
ive got some spam emails to answer. maybe ill post an intrsting one or two here.
love u all!



2 comment(s):

Good luck with the hair coloring! I'm too nervous to. I have naturally blonde hair, and fair skin, so I'm worried about going too dark, you know? I normally just highlight it, and that works well for me :).

Good luck with dieting, too! I'm in the same boat! I don't recommend diet pills, though. My aunt is taking them, and they make her really unhappy. Along with the pills she has, she's on this really strict diet where she can't eat much of anything (not even tomatoes..). Just keep working on it! My biggest adgive - portion control! Don't completely get rid of something, you'll end up binging on it sometime. Trust me, I've done it, lol. Just watch how much of the things you eat, you know? One thing that helped me is actually using smaller plates, rather than full size dinner plates! Less space means I have to be picky and eat less :)

By Blogger kirsten marie, at May 10, 2008 at 8:36 PM  

thanks! i hope it works, but so far its been a week and ive lost only 3 lbs. go figure. lol. ive got fair skin and light hair too. well, kinda light. lol. but thanks! =3

By Blogger Emily Dorchak, at May 10, 2008 at 9:54 PM  

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